Freaky (2021

Rating: 5/5 stars

Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 83% Critic, 80% Audience

Overview: When the town serial killer finds a body-swapping dagger, a teen girl gets more than she bargained for during your garden-variety murder attempt.  Cue a ticking timeclock to switch back before time runs out to make the swap, or the body count gets too high.

Best elements:

So this film is fantastic, all the comedy of Freak-Friday-style body swapping with come fantastic slasher flick tropes.  Add in some gore and some fantastic acting, and this might be one of my favorite scary movies from recent years.  The pacing is great, the plot hooks you in, and I was honestly laughing at some of the gags they pulled.  It was great.

Short falls:

There is one thing, literally one thing that I noted in the film that I didn’t particularly enjoy, and that was the action scenes seeming a little less than real.  The most obvious moment of this was when the Butcher and the cop/sister were fighting and she went into the TV, and then bounced to the floor.  It was… well you couldn’t see the wires, but once you see the shot you know they were there.

Recommendations/ Similar works: So, if you like a good slasher, try AHS for a longer, gorier experience, and you can pick a season that matches your interest (I would recommend 1984).  I would also say that those who liked this film would enjoy the “Fear Street” trilogy on Netflix.

What do you think about a good horror/comedy? This film is one of my new favorites for its tone and concept.

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